Moving a stop to start/finish quickly

PlaceMaker 1.2.2 adds a new feature making it easy to move a stop to the start or finish of the list quickly.

Long press a stop without moving it, and when you release the long press, an alert will appear that allows you to move the stop to the beginning or end of the list.

Watch the video below to see how it works.


How to Optimize a List

Whenever a new stop is added to the list, PlaceMaker will add the stop in the optimal position based on straight-line distance between the previous and next stops.

If PlaceMaker Pro has been purchased, the list can be optimized using Google Maps.  By default, the list is automatically optimized whenever a stop is added.  However, the optimization can be started manually as shown below.

  1. Show the List Actions MenuList Action Menu
  2. Tap “Optimize Stops Using Google Maps”List Action Menu 2